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Natural Force Healing – as practiced by Dr. Eric Goldman

If you visualize an onion with numerous layers, so is the Triune of Well being encased in the layers of life

Natural Force Healing

Natural Force Healing

The basic premise of Natural Force Healing (NFH) is that the inner self is composed of three major entities: body, mind, and spirit. If one were to envision an equilateral triangle, with each angle being one of the three entities, the being would be in perfect balance. The triangle is known as THE TRIUNE OF WELL BEING. In most cases, when an individual is born, their Triune of Well Being is in perfect balance. Unfortunately, as one progresses through life, experiences distort the angles of the triangle resulting in an imbalance within the individual. The more experi­ences, the more ‘layers’ of distortion are created. For example, if you visualize an onion with numerous layers, so is the Triune of Well being encased in the layers of life’s experiences. When someone experiences an NFH treatment, a layer of the ‘onion’ is peeled away, allowing the individual to move one step closer to having complete balance. This practice is not dis­similar to what a person experiences when they go through extensive psychological therapy. In psychotherapy, the individual goes back into their past and attempts to understand the different experiences which put them where they are; attempting to resolve the issue so as to ‘peel off a layer’ and move closer to understanding their fundamental ‘self’. (However, NFH accomplishes in min­utes what it would take months and years to accomplish in therapy.)

Triune of Well Being

Triune of Well Being

The ‘science’ (vibrational therapy), which provides the basis for the balancing of the Triune of Well Being, has been known for decades and is even practiced in traditional medical clinics today. It is rooted in the fact that by stimulating the cells, with electrical or vibrational impulses, you accelerate the healing process. NFH significantly advances the theory of vibrational therapy by broadening its applications. Natural Force Healing was developed over many years by Dr. Kenneth Y. Davis and Lisa Davis.

Simply stated, all matter in the universe is comprised of molecules, which are in constant motion (vibrating). The frequency level of the vibrating molecules determines the density of matter. All of the molecules are vibrating at different rates or frequencies, very similar to what occurs with radio frequencies. For example, your car radio has different settings on the receiver in order to tuine in the one frequency you desire. Similarly, with NFH, hand positions on designated points on the body are utilized to act as an ‘antenna’,  receiving the specific, desired universal vibrations (frequencies) re­quired to perform the specific, needed treatment. The practitioner is simply the conduit, di­recting and amplifying the energy. They are not the source or provider of the energy. During the treatment process, the client experiences a number of measurable physiological changes: e.g. change in heartbeat, change in breathing pattern, change in body temperature, ‘tingling’ sensation in parts of the body being treated, etc. After the treatment, the client will sometimes feel lightheaded, and then will possess a general feeling of calm and well-being.

The single big­gest differentiation for NFH versus other alternative healing methods is that NFH has a method for diagnosing and screening for the specific area of imbalance. Further, once the treatment has taken place, the practitioner can then re-screen the client to demonstrate that the treatment was successful. The client can see that something has transpired, versus other alterna­tive healing methods that require faith. Each time a treatment takes place, the client has removed another ‘layer of the onion’ and is one step closer to attaining complete balance within the Triune of Well Being.